Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tentative Summer Schedule!

Here is the tentative summer schedule- as always, the classes will be determined by how many sign up!  If we don't get enough in a certain time slot, I will try to work with you to make sure that you can find a time to join in!  All of my classes can accommodate different fitness levels, from beginner to advanced.  Please talk to me if you have any concerns, and I look forward to working with you at the gym!

Bootcamp's: (1 hour class)
Mon-Fri, 5:30am
MWF, 5:30am
MWF, 8:00am
MWF, 9:00am
T/Th, 6:00pm

HIT Classes: (30 minute class)
MWF, 6:30am

Cardio Class: (30 minute class)
MWF, 7:00am 
T/Th, 6:30am

Bootcamp- 5 days per week  = $120/session
                - 3 days per week = $75/session

HIT- 3 days per week       = $60/session
         Individual sessions  = $6.00

Cardio- 5 days per week    = $60/session
             3 days per week   = $40/session
             Individual sessions = $5

*There is a discount if you choose to mix it up!  Example:  Bootcamp & Cardio Mix; HIT & Cardio Mix.  Talk to me for more info!

Class Descriptions:

Bootcamp- our most popular class so far, it is a combination of strength and cardio training.  The results that my classes have been getting are tremendous!  Lose inches, lose weight, and see huge improvements in your strength!  Classes are one hour in length.

HIT is High Intensity Training- we will be doing a series of strength workouts, and it will be a short class.  It's great for building strength & toning!  Classes are 30 minutes in length.

Cardio Class- we will be burning off some calories!  Through a variety of cardiovascular exercises, we will work hard to get you looking fabulous!  Classes are 30 minutes in length.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fitness & Nutrition

Are you not getting the results that you want, yet you're working out consistently?  You may need to re-evaluate your diet.  There are many different websites and smartphone app's that you can use to help track your caloric intake, and they can show you the breakdown of what you're putting into your body.  Avoid fad diets- they may give you a 'quick fix' but if you want long-term results, then you are going to have to work for them!  Make smart food choices, and exercise!!!  Whether you are trying to bulk up or slim down, be smart about how you achieve your goals!


How exciting!!

First off, I just want to thank all of my bootcamper's for continuing to get out of bed every morning & coming to the gym to sweat :)  Your awesome hard work is paying off!!!  The numbers from the last session were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. !!!!  I couldn't believe how many inches that you guys lost!  Congratulations on getting closer to your goals!

Bootcamps are going extremely well!  Right now we have sessions at 5:30am and 9:00am.  If there is a need for additional times this summer, I am ready to add more!  Please text/email/call me with suggestions!