Monday, September 26, 2011

New Fall Schedule - starts October 10th

Hello friends!  
I am making some changes to our fitness schedule that will go into effect the week of October 10, 2011...  I think that these times and days will enable more people to come & join in our classes!  Please see below for the details :)

Class type & info:

Bootcamp- a one-hour class that works your entire body!  From core to strength to cardio, we work it all into these ever-changing sessions!  This class can be modified for all fitness levels, and you will have a blast while toning your entire body!

HIT- a 30-minute fat blasting class!  High Intensity Training is just that- it's intense!  We will be doing lots of superset's and be in constant motion in this class.  Strength & cardio will be incorporated into these classes.

Bootcamp 101-  This class meets twice a week for 45 minutes, and will introduce you to the bootcamp class moves!  Like bootcamp, it can be modified for all fitness levels!

Fit Circuit-  This class meets for one hour, and is similar to the format of the bootcamp class.  We will rotate through a circuit for the length of the class, and will focus on strength & cardio.

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp

9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit

*All prices are per 4-week session

Bootcamp, MWF (5:30am or 9:00am) $75
Bootcamp, M-F (5:30am) $120
HIT, MWF (5:00pm) $60
Fit Circuit, MWF (5:30pm) $75
Bootcamp 101 (you choose, either M/W or T/Th, 6:30-7:15pm) $50

Please note- a minimum of 5 people must be signed up in order to start a class.  

Sign up soon by contacting Jen at 839-8186, on Facebook, or at  

See you at the gym!

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