Friday, December 16, 2011

Specials!! Get 'em while they're HOT :)

Merry Christmas fitness friends!  

Here are a few deals that are good through the end of 2011- they make perfect stocking stuffer's for your fitness-loving friends!   

Hurry up & get them quickly- offers are only good through December 31, 2011!!

(Prices are valid TODAY - December 31, 2011 ONLY- must be paid in full to be valid)

Any Fitness Class (4 week Session):  Buy 3 Sessions, Get 1 Session FREE!!
  • 5 days per week= $360 (Value of $480) for 4 sessions
  • 3 days per week= $225 (Value of $300) for 4 sessions
  • HIT Class 3 days per week= $180 (Value of $240) for 4 sessions

Personal Training:  Buy 3, Get 1 FREE!!
  • Individual Sessions OR Packages

Call or email Jen today (839-8186) to get signed up!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Updated class list & pricing information (11.15.2011)

Class type & info:

Bootcamp- a one-hour class that works your entire body!  From core to strength to cardio, we work it all into these ever-changing sessions!  This class can be modified for all fitness levels, and you will have a blast while toning your entire body!

HIT- a 30-minute fat blasting class!  High Intensity Training is just that- it's intense!  We will be doing lots of superset's and be in constant motion in this class.  Strength & cardio will be incorporated into these classes.

Bootcamp 101-  This class meets twice a week for 45 minutes, and will introduce you to the bootcamp class moves!  Like bootcamp, it can be modified for all fitness levels!

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
6:00pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
6:00pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT

*All prices are per 4-week session

Bootcamp, MWF (5:30am or 9:00am) $75
Bootcamp, M-F (5:30am) $120
HIT, MWF (5:00pm) $60
Bootcamp 101, M/W (6:00-6:45pm) $50

Personal Training Pricing:

Single Session:
30 minute = $20
60 minute = $35

Package of Three Sessions:
30 minute = $50
60 minute = $90

Package of Ten Sessions:
30 minute = $150
60 minute = $275

*Group sessions available, and group discounts available

*Now offering in-home personal training, call Jen for more information
*Corporate fitness classes available, to request a flyer please call or email Jen

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In-Home Personal Training

Happy Tuesday!

I've heard from several people that they just don't have the time to make it to the gym...  between work, school, kids activities, sports...  the list goes on & on!  If you can carve out 30 minutes of your day for working out, then I can help you out!  I'm now offering in-home personal training.  I will bring the equipment (or we can use yours if you prefer) and you will get in a good total body training session, all from the comfort & convenience of your home!  You can even get a few friends together, your spouse, a life group, etc., and we can make it a small-group fitness class.  I can travel to Springfield & the surrounding areas!

Send me a message at, on Facebook, or give me a call at 839-8186 to find out more information and to schedule your training sessions!  Now is the time to start getting healthy!


Monday, September 26, 2011

New Fall Schedule - starts October 10th

Hello friends!  
I am making some changes to our fitness schedule that will go into effect the week of October 10, 2011...  I think that these times and days will enable more people to come & join in our classes!  Please see below for the details :)

Class type & info:

Bootcamp- a one-hour class that works your entire body!  From core to strength to cardio, we work it all into these ever-changing sessions!  This class can be modified for all fitness levels, and you will have a blast while toning your entire body!

HIT- a 30-minute fat blasting class!  High Intensity Training is just that- it's intense!  We will be doing lots of superset's and be in constant motion in this class.  Strength & cardio will be incorporated into these classes.

Bootcamp 101-  This class meets twice a week for 45 minutes, and will introduce you to the bootcamp class moves!  Like bootcamp, it can be modified for all fitness levels!

Fit Circuit-  This class meets for one hour, and is similar to the format of the bootcamp class.  We will rotate through a circuit for the length of the class, and will focus on strength & cardio.

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp

9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
6:30pm- Bootcamp 101

5:30am- Bootcamp
9:00am- Bootcamp
5:00pm- HIT
5:30pm- Fit Circuit

*All prices are per 4-week session

Bootcamp, MWF (5:30am or 9:00am) $75
Bootcamp, M-F (5:30am) $120
HIT, MWF (5:00pm) $60
Fit Circuit, MWF (5:30pm) $75
Bootcamp 101 (you choose, either M/W or T/Th, 6:30-7:15pm) $50

Please note- a minimum of 5 people must be signed up in order to start a class.  

Sign up soon by contacting Jen at 839-8186, on Facebook, or at  

See you at the gym!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best workout?

I have had a lot of questions regarding different workouts and training programs, and what is the "best" one...  my answer is- it depends!  It depends on you- your goals, your time, your lifestyle, and your preferences!  I don't think that there is one specific type of exercise or training that is right for everyone.  Different people have different goals and different needs.  

Look at your current lifestyle and see what changes need to be made.  Try out different exercise classes and activities- there are so many options in the Ozarks!  I personally love my bootcamp classes- you guys are some amazing clients!  The great exercise combined with lots of laughter :) makes for a great morning!  I also love to run/hike/bike on the local trails.  Try to incorporate strength training (check out this great article on lifting weights & strength training )as well as some type of aerobic exercise (think: dancing, running, biking, etc.) and be diligent about your diet.  No, I'm not saying to try some crazy fad diet- we all know how I feel about those! (I'm not for them in case you didn't know!) Eat healthy, make good choices, lower your intake of bad fats/caffeine/sugar/bad carb choices and replace them with smart choices!  Avoid fast food & soda!  

There are many wonderful blogs and articles about clean eating and being healthy...  just remember, when you feel healthy you will have the energy & will-power to push yourself harder with your workout program- it's a wonderful cycle!  Trust me, when you start eating healthy & then 'fall off the wagon', you will notice it in your next workout...  been there - done that - and it's no fun!

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Upcoming Events in the Springfield area!

Fall has arrived!  So have cooler temperatures, festivals, and races!  There are so many walks, runs, and bike rides that you have a variety to choose from! Have a great time supporting numerous wonderful causes!

A few of the upcoming ones that I'll be at:

  • This weekend- the ALS Walk is on Saturday.  Go to my facebook page to find the link to sign up & for more information

  • October 1st, the "10th Annual Pregnancy Care Center Walk 4 Life & 5K Run"- more info at

  • Thanksgiving morning- The Turkey Trot!  It's usually cold, but always busy!  My bootcamp classes are going to participate in this- we will get some shirts & have fun, whether walking or running!  Bring your family, friends, & pets!

I know that there are many more, please add them & any information about registration in the comments section below!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

There is no substitute for hard work...

Let me start off by saying that I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, or expert of any kind in the medical field!  However, based on my personal observations and experiences I can truly say that there is no substitute for hard work.  There isn't a 'magic pill', amazing new quick weight-loss diet, or surgery that will replace hard work, exercise, and proper nutrition!  I have witnessed many people go through the up's and down's of fad diets or diet pills. While they may very well give you some immediate results, it seems that these results will quickly fade away once you stop what you're doing!  As a personal trainer, it's my job to help you achieve your goals and get in better shape.  I know dietitians and nutritionists that can help you out on your meal planning.  I encourage everyone to set goals, and to work hard to achieve them!  There are many fitness professionals in the Springfield area, as well as numerous gyms and fitness facilities!  I'm not the type of trainer who says 'my way or the highway'- there are so many forms of fitness available in our area!  Find something that you enjoy!  Speak to me or one of the numerous fitness professional around, and make the changes that you need to make in order to live a happy & healthy life!

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Strive for progress, not perfection

Strive for progress, not perfection. -Unknown

I often hear from clients that they want to look a certain way, be a certain size, or weight a certain amount.  I am all about having goals to strive for & achieve, but this quote is so true!  Each goal should be about making progress and moving forward, not about achieving society's norm for perfection!  I encourage everyone to have a main goal, but to also have 'baby steps' (smaller goals!) along the way to help them achieve that goal!  I am happy to report that my bootcamper's are all making progress- there are a few that have been working with me from day one and they have all had HUGE improvements in progress!  Keep your chin up, keep pushing yourself each day, and maintain a healthy diet and you will see great results too!

Have a happy Wednesday!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to School!!

It's been a crazy few weeks in our classes!  All of our (school) teachers in the bootcamp classes are busy getting ready to go back to school, and a few have already started!  I want to wish all of our teachers a wonderful new school year!!  Also, good luck to all of our parents that have little ones returning to school or starting school!

This session is going well, and everyone is doing such a great job!  The hard work that you are putting forth is going to pay off, and I have already witnessed some amazing transformations from some bootcamper's!  There are a few of you that have been working out with me since January (I won't mention names!) and all of you have had such a change in your body!  Toning up, losing weight, and just looking fab in general!

Have a wonderful weekend friends!!  I'll see you on Monday at 5:30am or 9:00am!

Coming Soon: C6 Fitness

I am excited to announce a new class that I will soon be starting:  C6 Fitness!!

The name comes from I Corinthians 6:19-20, and this will be a Christian-based fitness class to help everyone glorify God with their body!  It will be held at Hamlin Baptist Church in north Springfield!  Tentatively, we will meet on Monday & Thursday evenings from 5:30-6:15.  Each session, which will last for 4 weeks, will cost $50.00.  As always, I don't want cost to prohibit anyone from getting fit and healthier, so please talk to me if we need to make arrangements!

Join us at Hamlin for the C6 Fitness Class!

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body."  I Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wellness Programs!

Do you have a group of people that want to get in shape, but need some guidance?  

I'm now offering a traveling fitness program!  Churches, businesses, social groups, or any other group of people can contact me for more information, and together we can set up a fitness program for your group!  I will travel to you and lead your group in a great workout!  

For church groups, I'm now offering a Christian-based fitness class - call or email me for more information!

Call Jen at 839-8186 today!

Have a wonderful Monday!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where are you headed?!

I love finding fun little app's for my phone!  I recently found one that lists all kinds of inspirational quotes, and today's quote is:

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading
~Lao Tzu

Very simple, yet very direct!  In order to change the outcome of any situation or circumstance, we have to first change our current actions.  In fitness, there are obvious changes that can be made with diet and exercise.  So where are you headed?  Make the changes necessary to head in the right direction!

I have a new session beginning on August 15th- call/text Jen at 839-8186 for more info :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You make a difference!

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. "
-William James

Have you ever had 'one of those days'?  Nothing seems to go right, stress is overwhelming you, and you can't make anyone happy?  I think that we have all felt that way from time to time.  Keep in mind that you are making a difference in someones life, even on those days that it may not feel that way!  Your peers, co-worker's, children, and neighbors - everyone surrounding you- has been touched by your actions!  Stay positive and remember that quote :)

On a different note- bootcamp's have been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. this week!  Despite the unfavorable (ie- HOT!!) weather, everyone has been pushing through and working towards their goals!  Today may feel cooler, but it's still going to be over 100 degrees, so make sure that you are drinking lots of water!  If you're planning on working outside or exercising outside, make sure that you are staying hydrated throughout the entire day and pay attention to the signs of excessive heat that your body is giving you!

Have a great Wednesday- you're getting closer to the weekend!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Feelin' HOT HOT HOT!!!

This is definitely one of the hottest summers that I can remember- & I mean that in weather terms :)  With temperature's this high, it's easy to get dehydrated or suffer from heat-related problems.  Click here for today's KY3 Weather story  

Extra caution needs to be used when you are going to be working in the elements.  If you're going to be doing physical fitness, be smart about it.  Early mornings are much cooler if you are going to be outside.  Our early morning bootcamp (5:30am) is still muggy & sweaty, but 80 degrees compared to 110 degrees is a huge difference!

Here are some tips from the link above:

Regardless, this kind of heat is extremely dangerous.  Please take this seriously, and check on the elderly several times today.  Keep pets indoors if possible--in the shade at minimum with plenty of water.  Drink plenty of water, sports drinks, and wear sunscreen. (

Be careful this week!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, August 1, 2011

“The reason most people fail instead of succeed is because they sacrifice what they want most for what they want at the moment”
 This quote is so true, and so applicable to many of us!  Whether in fitness or in any other aspect of our lives, it's a lot easier to go for the 'right now' instead of what's right for us!  We need to keep our eye on the big picture - -  Focus on our goals.  
For many of my clients, their goal is to look better and get healthier.  For that grueling hour of bootcamp each morning (haha!), it's easy to focus on that goal.  But as the afternoon rolls on and the vending machine starts tempting you, it gets harder to stay focused on your goal.  The best plan is have a plan of attack!  
  • Make sure that you are eating enough!  I eat a small snack every 2-3 hours to fight hunger away.
  • Keep healthy snacks with you to help you avoid the temptation.  It's easier to grab a protein bar out of your bag than trying to find something healthy at the convenience store or your office vending machine.
  • Drink lots of water- carry a water bottle with you. 
  • Take a short break from work- go for a walk or just get away from your desk & start moving!
     Remember that exercise is very important to your health- BUT it's only part of the picture!  You have to eat right and get enough rest also!
    I can't possibly list all of the tips, but those are a few that work for me!  The main thing is to know what your goal is.  WRITE IT DOWN!!  Every time that you start to veer away from the path that will help you achieve that goal, just make a U-turn and stay on track!

Have a wonderful Monday!
~Jen, 'Training By Jen'

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tentative Summer Schedule!

Here is the tentative summer schedule- as always, the classes will be determined by how many sign up!  If we don't get enough in a certain time slot, I will try to work with you to make sure that you can find a time to join in!  All of my classes can accommodate different fitness levels, from beginner to advanced.  Please talk to me if you have any concerns, and I look forward to working with you at the gym!

Bootcamp's: (1 hour class)
Mon-Fri, 5:30am
MWF, 5:30am
MWF, 8:00am
MWF, 9:00am
T/Th, 6:00pm

HIT Classes: (30 minute class)
MWF, 6:30am

Cardio Class: (30 minute class)
MWF, 7:00am 
T/Th, 6:30am

Bootcamp- 5 days per week  = $120/session
                - 3 days per week = $75/session

HIT- 3 days per week       = $60/session
         Individual sessions  = $6.00

Cardio- 5 days per week    = $60/session
             3 days per week   = $40/session
             Individual sessions = $5

*There is a discount if you choose to mix it up!  Example:  Bootcamp & Cardio Mix; HIT & Cardio Mix.  Talk to me for more info!

Class Descriptions:

Bootcamp- our most popular class so far, it is a combination of strength and cardio training.  The results that my classes have been getting are tremendous!  Lose inches, lose weight, and see huge improvements in your strength!  Classes are one hour in length.

HIT is High Intensity Training- we will be doing a series of strength workouts, and it will be a short class.  It's great for building strength & toning!  Classes are 30 minutes in length.

Cardio Class- we will be burning off some calories!  Through a variety of cardiovascular exercises, we will work hard to get you looking fabulous!  Classes are 30 minutes in length.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fitness & Nutrition

Are you not getting the results that you want, yet you're working out consistently?  You may need to re-evaluate your diet.  There are many different websites and smartphone app's that you can use to help track your caloric intake, and they can show you the breakdown of what you're putting into your body.  Avoid fad diets- they may give you a 'quick fix' but if you want long-term results, then you are going to have to work for them!  Make smart food choices, and exercise!!!  Whether you are trying to bulk up or slim down, be smart about how you achieve your goals!


How exciting!!

First off, I just want to thank all of my bootcamper's for continuing to get out of bed every morning & coming to the gym to sweat :)  Your awesome hard work is paying off!!!  The numbers from the last session were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. !!!!  I couldn't believe how many inches that you guys lost!  Congratulations on getting closer to your goals!

Bootcamps are going extremely well!  Right now we have sessions at 5:30am and 9:00am.  If there is a need for additional times this summer, I am ready to add more!  Please text/email/call me with suggestions!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ready or not...

Ready or not, it's almost shorts and bikini time!!   

Come & join one of our classes now to get your body ready for summer time!  You will lose weight, tone up, and have a good time!  My current class members are all losing inches and looking fab!

I have classes in Springfield at Elite Athletics, and they are held Monday-Friday.  I have morning & evening classes available!

Not quite ready to join a class? Prefer a one-on-one setting? I also have times available for personal training.  We will work together to help you achieve your goals- both 30 & 60 minute sessions are available.  

Send me a message at, or call/text me at 417-839-8186.  

Looking forward to helping you achieve those goals!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rock that body!!!

I am SO proud of all of my bootcamper's!  We did our fit tests again last week- and EVERY ONE of you had major improvements!  Inches were lost, and times and numbers improved!  All of your hard work is paying off!  Evening classes will do their tests during the week of March 7th...

A new 4 week session will start on March 21st- Sign up now!  We would love to see some new faces!  It is the perfect time to start getting ready for swimsuit season!

I know that some of you have mentioned not being able to make it to a class due to scheduling issues- I can come to you at your business or home!  Either in a small group setting or one-on-one....  call me for info!  839-8186

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Update & Upcoming info!

January bootcamp's are going great!  What a great group of people we have!  We have had two Saturday classes this month, and it's great to see so many new faces joining in!

We will be starting a new evening session in February (we do monthly sessions in the evenings!) 

A new morning session will begin on February 16th- the next morning session will be a shorter 3 week session, followed by a short break, and then we will resume 4 week sessions on March 21st.

Pricing for 3 week session (Feb 16-March 8):
Mon/Wed/Fri: $56.25
Mon-Fri: $90.00

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello friends!  Bootcamp classes and most of the personal training is done at Elite Athletics gym in Springfield.  It's near Cherry & 65- a very special thank you to Doug, Beth & Roxy!

I've had quite a few questions regarding prices for training.  These prices are effective on January 1, 2011:

Personal Training Pricing:

Single Session:
30 minute = $20
60 minute = $35

Package of Three Sessions:
30 minute = $50
60 minute = $90

Package of Ten Sessions:
30 minute = $150
60 minute = $275

*Group sessions available, and group discounts available

Bootcamp Pricing (@ Elite Athletics in Springfield):

Bootcamp (5:30-6:30am, Monday-Friday)
4 week session- (Monday/Wednesday/Friday ONLY) $75
4 week session (Monday-Friday) $120

Bootcamp (9:00-10:00am, Monday-Friday) 
4 week session- $75 (M/W/F ONLY)
4 week session- (Monday-Friday) $120
Individual class- $8

**Evening Bootcamps:
<Will be updated soon>

Upcoming sessions:

August 15-September 9
September 12-October 7