Tuesday, January 3, 2012

All about me... & other random thoughts :) happy 2012 friends!

“So, what is your life like?”
I get this question a lot from clients and friends who are wondering what my daily routine looks like!  Do I eat super healthy all the time?  Are you a morning person?  What about supplements?  Do I actually do every workout with every class?  How do I fit everything into each day?
(I try. Noooo! Yes. Not every class! Careful planning & lots of help from loved ones!)

I’m a personal trainer but in no way am I perfect!  I love love love what I do- health & fitness is a big part of my life & I love being able to help others achieve their goals & become healthier!  I definitely don’t do it for the money :) 

So...  about me!
First and foremost, God is the ‘number one’ in my life.  Without Him, there would be no purpose!  I attend Second Baptist in Springfield, and I grew up attending Hamlin Baptist in North Springfield.  My family is also very important to me and very supportive of my crazy schedule!  I am married to a wonderful, caring, and (very helpful) man, Pat.  We both have different schedules (definitely not a 9-5 type of family!) and we make it work with a smile!  I have an awesomely independent & beautiful daughter, Elisabeth, who is 11 (going on 16...)  We shuttle her around to cheerleading stuff and school events at least 5 or 6 days a week!  My parents, brother, & sister-in-law all live nearby & I love that we are all close!

Typical schedule:  Monday through Friday my alarm goes off at 4:45am (yes, I usually hit snooze at least once!)  I head out to the gym for a 5:30am bootcamp class- this class rocks!  The people are amazing, funny, and hard workers!  The conversations that come up can have you laughing for days!  I leave there & come home, & I get Elisabeth up, fed, ready & off to school.  Back to the gym for a 9am bootcamp.  Then it’s off to do personal training, home to clean & do paperwork if I have time, pick up Elisabeth at 3:30, and head back to the gym for 2 more classes!  I usually make it home for the night around 8 or 8:30pm.  Yes, we are busy!  But I absolutely LOVE it  :) Our weekends are for fun & family!

My workouts- I always do the early morning bootcamp with the class.  And I usually do at least 2 out of the 3 HIT classes each week (it depends what muscle groups we are on- I don’t double them up!)  I love to be outdoors when it’s nice- bike rides on the Greenway Trail are awesome!  I also like to run the long trail at the Nature Center.  I like basketball & tennis also, but I’m definitely not good at either anymore!
My nutrition- I kind of slacked off at the end of the year (bad, bad...) but each day is a new day!  I’m currently working towards eating totally clean.  It is SO good for your body & overall health!  For the next month I’ll be doing the Whole30 program- check it out online or on Facebook!
Supplements- I’m definitely not an expert on this subject.  And right now I’m mostly trying to get all of my nutrients from whole foods.  BUT (& remember, this is just my personal experience- I make no recommendations on this subject!) I take fish oil pills, protein for pre/post workout, and lately I’ve been taking EmergenC (lots of vitamin C/D/B/Zinc – so many sicknesses around!)  I’ve taken a wide variety in the past, but I tend to be cautious with them.  And I always caution everyone to be careful with diet/energy pills- there is no quick fix to being healthy!

I love getting to work with each & every one of you!  Make sure that you have written out your goals for 2012- it’s going to be a great year!  I will help you achieve those goals if you stick to my plan!  Here it is:
  • Eat right
  • Work harder (you might work hard now- but work even harder tomorrow!)
  • Get enough sleep
  • Don’t be a wimp!
I can help you with the fitness aspect, and I can help you with nutrition.  All you have to do is follow my lead!  I have classes 5 days a week, and I offer personal training that we can schedule any time!  So what are you waiting for?  Get healthy in 2012!!

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