Friday, January 6, 2012

Healthy Eating - Day 6!!

So - prior to the New Year, I decided that I needed to clean up some unhealthy eating habits...  overall, I am a pretty healthy eater!  But I have this love of caffeine and sugar that had really gotten out of control :)  

Enter: Whole30 

Check it out on Facebook or their website!  (  Here is some info for their program, which lasts 30 days (or can last longer, it depends on you!)-

From their website:

Whole9′s Nutrition in 60 Seconds
We eat real food – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, healthy oils, nuts and seeds. We choose foods that were raised, fed and grown naturally, and foods that are nutrient-dense, with lots of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.
This is not a “diet” – we eat as much as we need to maintain strength, energy, activity levels and a healthy body weight. We aim for well-balanced nutrition, so we eat animals and a significant amount of plants.
Eating like this has helped us to look, feel, live and perform our best, and reduces our risk for a variety of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.

Food Should Make You Healthy

Meat, seafood and eggs; vegetables and fruit; and healthy fat sources like coconut, avocado and olive oil are all foods that make you healthier.
Sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes and dairy are all food groups that have significant down sides, and do not contribute positively to your health.
The more you eliminate these “less healthy” foods from your everyday diet, the healthier you will be.
However, you don’t have to eat perfect 100% of the time to have and maintain excellent health.

I am on Day #6, and I am feeling much better!  I've been eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water, and my body is responding!  The first few days without caffeine or grains were tough, but I made it through & it was worth it!  Yesterday I was in a car with one person eating Taco Bell & another eating pizza- I had a salad with grilled chicken & veggies and survived!  I have more energy & my workouts are getting better also!

I challenge you all to find small changes that you can make to your diet, and stick with it!  You will feel and see the changes in your body & your energy levels!

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